Course Outline

Introduction of Steel Structure

Basic Idea of Steel Framing System (Shed, Mezzanine & Multi-
Storied Building)

Identification of Structural & Non-Structural Component (Column,
Rafter, Beam, Purlin, Girt, Cleat, etc.)

Quantity Estimation of Steel Truss, MS Plate, Built-Up & Hot Roll

Quantity Estimation of Cold Form Steel (CI Sheet, Profile Sheet,

Quantity Estimation of all types of Base Plate, Connection plates,
Cleat, etc.

Quantity Estimation of Anchor Bolt, Nut Bolt, Sag Rod, Shear
Stud, etc.

Quantity Estimation of Basic Civil Work (Footing, Grade Beam,
Brick Wall, etc.)

Cost & Profit Analysis.

Offer Cost Making

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